Section: Dissemination


  • “Modélisation dans le domaine biomédical: Introduction à la biologie mathématique”. Lectures in 2nd school year in the common course “Physiology and biotechnologies”). École Centrale de Paris (Chatenay-Malabry): 9 h (Jean Clairambault)

  • M2 Pharmacology (Rennes 1): 4 h (Jean Clairambault)

  • M2 Pharmacology & Oncology (Paris XI): 2 h (Jean Clairambault)

  • Doctoral school “Innovation thérapeutique” (Paris XI): 2 h (Jean Clairambault)

  • M2, Mathematical Biology, UPMC: “Agent-based models of tissue organisation”: 24h (Dirk Drasdo)

  • School on Cancer modelling at IRCC (Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment) in Candiolo, Italy, March 2011: “Individual-cell-based models for tumor growth and tissue regeneration”: 6h (Dirk Drasdo)

  • Course on Finite Elements (professor: P. Ciarlet), ENSTA, Paris: 12 h (Marie Doumic-Jauffret, assistant professor)

  • TP atelier LM220 “Arithmétique” (Paris VI): 26 h (Luna Dimitrio, PhD student)

  • L2 “Biology, Health & Environment” at university P. M. Curie, 21 h : S. Ayata

  • M2 “Oceanography and marine environments” at university P. M. Curie, 9 h : S. Ayata

  • Course “Wave propagation”, ENSTA, Paris: 16 h : J. Sainte-Marie

  • Ecole d'Ingénieur SupGalilée (Univ. Paris 13) Finite Elements, 48 h : E. Audusse

  • Numerical methods, UAM (Universidad Autonoma Madrid, Spain), 10 h : E. Audusse